Life is GREAT!!

First the most important news, I had my ampuversary!!!!!!!! That’s right, on June 15th Momma and I celebrated my first ampuversary. Who’d have thought that a year ago this little pup found in a box on the side of the road would have such a happy ending? With my ampuversary comes the anniversary of my forever home, a double reason to celebrate, Momma Donna said she “was only going to bring me home long enough to get over the surgery”…. Sure Momma… I knew I was home. It just took you a little longer.

So, it’s been a few months and boy have I been busy! After all the celebrating was over it was time to get back to work. I’ve been going to the (Second Chance Center for Animals in Flagstaff) offsite adoption events and setting up my ‘kissing booth’ where ever I can. We had our big event Pets in the Pines in June. Whoooo-hoooo what a great day it was. There were 13 different rescue groups there and 49 of my newest-bestest friends found their forever homes that day (20 of them from SCCA alone!). It was a great success and next year we are going to shoot for 60 adoptions!

Waiting for the next kiss

Last week I went to see my friends at Petco (Flagstaff) to help find new homes for some more of my SCCA friends. There wasn’t really room for my “official” kissing booth so I just walked through the store and gave them to anyone who paused long enough to ask for one. I love Petco – not only did all my friends who give me “Spa Days” come out to say “hello” – but there was this tower!!!


OK…. No – REALLY….. Can we talk about these amazing little spheres of colored, bouncy, chewy, fuzzy fun?! Momma calls them “tennis balls” (I don’t know what this ‘tennis’ thing is but I know what she means when she says “go get your ball”). They are just great. I have a whole bucket full of them – some new, some well played with and even some I have gotten most of the fuzz off. It’s a good thing I have so many too, because sometimes when Momma is busy on her computer I have to empty my bucket one by one until I find the right one she’ll play with.

Any of these Momma?
Then there was this one day, this nice man who worked at the local adult center, brought in a whole basket full!!! Lucky for me, I was helping my friend Rosa at the reception desk. I made sure to say ‘thank you VERY much by wiggling my whole body for him. But, I had to make sure they were good enough for all my friends – so, I took each one out of the basket for a test run. They passed…… So, with just a small “fight” I let Momma put them back in the basket and pass them out to my friends.
QC number 228
Can we get back to the TOWER? So, I told you we were at Petco (Flagstaff) and I was passing out kisses; I turned around one corner looking for a new friend when I saw this……. OMG….. OMG….. Can you see it? It’s an entire tower of these AH-MAZING things.
Momma – Can I keep it?

Momma says I have to stop ‘fixating’ for a moment (what ever that means – really can you ever have too many ‘tennis’ balls? I think not.). She thinks I should tell you about my friends Nick and Steph who came all the way across the country to meet me. Well, ok, they are traveling for a project called Shedding Hope ( where they visit and take pictures at a bunch of different shelters across the country then tell the world about each one. You should check them out. But, I know once we met they were REALLY glad they took that trip. It was so nice to meet my new friends. They took a bunch of pictures of all my friends. And even some of ME!! That inspired a photo shoot of Momma and me for the SCCA new website at . You should check us out on the “About Us” tab (Momma said I should put that in). Momma wanted me to sit in her lap for the picture (Does she not know I’m almost bigger than her??),

A-Kissing the Momma
But all I wanted to do is give her a BIG kiss, since I’m so good at them now.

Well, that’s it for now. But I have a ton of ‘kissing booths’ coming up so feel free to drop by and bring your friends. I LOVE meeting new friends!!!!

And tennis balls for everyone

10 thoughts on “Life is GREAT!!”

  1. Watson, do you think you could set up one of your kissing booths in Southern California??? That’s where I am!! And Happy Ampuversary!! Congratulations!! I think you deserve some new tennis balls for hitting that milestone!! 🙂 I loved the photo of all the balls in your house. It was like a “how many balls can you find” game. I counted 12; I hope I got them all! Have a great weekend!!

    1. Thank you Maximutt. I don’t know where Southern California is but I’ll be sure to ask my Momma. 🙂

      Thanks again
      Your friend ~ Watson

      p.s. You did find them all – GREAT JOB!

  2. Happy ampuversary!! That is wonderful news and I am so happy that you found your forever home. I look forward to hearing about year two. I’m also happy to see another house is full of tennis balls – this looks like my house and Guinness does the same thing. Best of luck and keep us updated. Dani

  3. Woooo hooo! Ampuversary kisses and bouncy balls for everypawdy!

    Watson, stories like yours make us smile from ear to ear, we love hearing about rags-to-riches Tripawds, and I know other folks do too. Thank you for keeping us in the loop with your fantastic new life, we are thrilled for you and your peeps.

    I checked out your friend’s blog and I love what they’re doing! Couldn’t read their posts though because they were all top secret with passwords. I didn’t know the magic word so I couldn’t read them. Wah!

    1. Thank you Jerry. My Momma has a magnet on my truck that says “Who rescued who?” and I think she’s right.

      I forgot about the password thingy – it’s: adopt-not-shop and they said our story should be up in a week or two. I can’t wait!

      Thanks again Jerry.
      Your friend ~ Watson

  4. Happy Ampuversary, Watson! Wow! You are one busy dude! I’m a Watson, too, by the way. My name is South Dakota Watson and I was adopted by the human Watsons when they found me dumped. You and I have a couple of things in common!

    The kissing thing…how does that work? Do you get paid? I can kiss but mostly I like to kiss legs. I don’t know why. I like hairy legs best. Is that weird?

    Keep up the good work of spreading the word about helping dogs like us get good homes. Sometimes people aren’t very smart and have to be helped along the path. You’re doing a great job! Happy Ampuversary again!

    Love, Dakota

    1. Thanks Dakota!!
      My kissing booth is really fun – I have my own sign that says “Kisses $1.00” and every penny I get goes right to SCCA. One lady said it was “THE BEST” kiss she ever had and gave $20. I was so excited – I kissed her again for free 🙂
      Thanks again Dakota
      ~Your friend Watson
      p.s. I don’t think the hairy leg thing is weird….but some humans don’t know how fun it can be.

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