I am TWO!!! :)

It's hard work being the greeter at work
It’s hard work being the greeter at work

Now that I am a big boy, Momma says it’s time for me to start having manners like a big boy. She says I have to learn how to share my toys, learn that not everyone I see while we’re driving is going to steal our truck; so I don’t need to act like they are, and I need to learn that I don’t have to “puff up like a toad” just because I think there might be another dog somewhere…. anywhere… but definitely somewhere (I’m really more of a people tripawd).

I want to have good manners (you get to give WAY more kisses when you behave yourself). But, sometimes I get a little nervous when Momma leaves me alone in our office or if I’m in a place where I don’t know anyone. So, Momma got me a shirt, not just any ole’ shirt though, she got me a Thundershirt. What’s a Thundershirt? It’s this great thing that wraps around me and gives me a hug. And when I get a hug I’m not near as scared when I’m left alone. It even has my name on it. That way, even if we haven’t met yet, people can call me by name (I like that …. It makes my whole body wiggle). I really like my Thundershirt (and Momma really likes that I don’t worry so much when I’m left alone).

Me and my Thundershirt
Me and my Thundershirt

Remember when I went to Puppy Kindergarten and Grade School? I learned a lot from Uncle Mark and Aunt Becky (they’re the great behavior folks at SCCA), but now Momma says I need Private School not regular High School. I like Private School. I get to spend a whole hour a week with the most amazing teacher in Flagstaff (although, she doesn’t let me get away with “just being cute” – I have to remember my manners). I’ve only gone for three weeks now – but already I have learned that when Momma calls my name if I stop and look her I get the most AH-MAZING treats. So this manners thing is getting easy…… look at Momma get treats! I think I’ll keep going. Plus, when I do really good my teacher lets me give her kisses (and you know how much I LOVE giving kisses)!!!! Oh, and by the way… I rocked it at Friday’s class – my teacher said!!
Me and the best teacher EVER... my Aunt Becky
Me and the best teacher EVER… my Aunt Becky

Did I tell you I’m two? Well I am. My friends and I even had a party (I was not a huge fan of the hat Momma put on my head, but it made her giggle so I did it). I got some great new toys too. One was a new Nylabone (you should ask Uncle Pete what happened to the Nylabone) and the other was a Wobbler. I love my Wobbler (Momma says the word obsessed is more like it ….. whatever that means). Momma puts some yummy treats into it and if I roll it around just right they fall out – JACKPOT!!!!
Me and my Wobbler ... I love my Wobbler!!
Me and my Wobbler … I love my Wobbler!!

But, I think the best gift I got for my birthday was a visit from my very best friend in the world Sam. She came all the way from California to see me!! Well, OK she came to see me and all of her other friends at Second Chance Center for Animals (but I know she likes me best). She is so amazing…. She wrote a whole speech about Second Chance and she talked about me too!! She presented her speech in front of all my human friends at work. She also presented it to several groups in California. She helps let people know that my friends need their help. She raises awareness, raises money and collects much needed food. So, she doesn’t just talk about what others should do to help…. She leads by example. My favorite part (other than when she talked about me) was when she said “how wonderful would it be with no more homeless pets”; there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. I was practicing my manners the day she came or I would have jumped right in her lap and said thank you by giving her a thousand kisses (and that, Momma says, is why I need to practice my manners). Oh, and did I mention she’s nine years old?!?
Sam giving her speech
Sam giving her speech

Me, Momma and Sam
Me, Momma and Sam

All in all… it’s been a fantastic two years. The first four days were a little rough, but since then – it’s been all tennis balls and kisses!!
YUP.... I'm a lucky dog
YUP…. I’m a lucky dog

4 thoughts on “I am TWO!!! :)”

  1. Dear D. Watson!!

    What an incredible journey for such a young boy with a quite rough beginning!! Your luck started cha going though the day you and Sherlock were found:-) 🙂

    ‘Had to go back and read from your archives to get the whole ball of wax!

    I understand why you have Doctor in front of your name as much “schooling”. your momma has put you through!! You have a major in cuteness that’s for sure:-) 🙂 and a minor in a great wobbler:-) 🙂

    Your mom point d such an accurate picture of who you are as a dog soul and we are privileged to get to know you …..privileged to have you as such a fun member of this community:-) 🙂

    You have a HUGE personality and we look forward to enjoying more of your escapades 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Send I you more and more joy and wobblers full of love,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Hoppy Hippy Birthday Watson! Two years old already? Wow I remember when you were just a little kid. Now you’re practically all growed up!

    You are so lucky the Thundershirt actually works for you and makes you feel good. It made me crraaaaaaazy. I get scaredy too sometimes, I wish it worked for me!

    I hope I get to meet you someday. You remind me a lot of myself when I was your age.

    It’s so great to hear from you!

  3. Happy birthday Watson! It’s OK to be a car watchdog. you never know when one of those crazy people on the street might look at you wrong!

    Enjoy those great presents!

  4. Dr. Watson you are one amazing guy! Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great time and got some great gifts! And between you and me, I know we all need to practice our manners, but I think a 9 year old probably would have loved getting smothered in kisses by you!!

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